- Pilot: Lake Constance
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- Pilot: Lake Constance
- Pilot: Lake Constance
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- Pilot: Lake Constance
More than ever, it is obvious that our economy needs to be reimagined, reinvented, reborn – in a word: regenerated. The purpose of REGENERATE is exactly that – to help speed up the transition from an extractive to a regenerative economy.
REGENERATE starts with the soil. It borrows from the natural principles of regenerative farming to inspire decision makers on how to move their organizations to a regenerative stage in tune with our living ecosystem.
Through both its online content and its offline retreats at pioneering regenerative farms around the world, REGENERATE will connect decision makers with regenerative pioneers. A new generation of leaders will become part of the broader economic, political, and cultural power of regeneration.
From Soil to Soul to Planet
REGENERATE is a forum that connects regenerative pioneers with decision makers with the aim to apply the principle of regeneration to all fields of the economy.
The best place to experience regeneration is a farm. Regenerative farming revives the soil which is the base for a sustainable and healthy food production. At the same time, it is an effective way to remove carbon from the atmosphere and store it in the soil.
The principles of regenerative farming can be applied to all systems, including organizations, manufacturing, finance, and medicine. They stand for a regenerative economy that produces sustainable and regular yields in the long run.
To regenerate one's own business, it is vital to understand and reconnect with nature's workings. Regeneration means to imitate nature, cooperate with it and as a result gain access to the same abundant circular flow.
To regenerate requires a fundamental shift in our general perception, which will lead to a whole new interplay between humanity and our planet.
Connect the Unexpected
How to get there?
REGENERATE introduces pioneers who excel in regeneration in a series of video interviews. Their fields include farming, management, and manufacturing. They all successfully established relevant solutions and are now ready to scale.
At the same time, REGENERATE organizes curated retreats at regenerative farms around the world. Decision makers, such as entrepreneurs, CEOs, investors, politicians, journalists and religious leaders are to meet with regenerative pioneers to start a dialogue that will stimulate solutions.
The goal is to learn more about regeneration and how its core principles can be applied to existing organizations and structures.
The Metaphor of the Imago Cells
Creative Imagination - For a Social Metamorphosis
This miracle of nature can serve as a wonderful metaphor for our mission. The Imago Cells represent the future that is already contained in the present and that is striving to unfold.
It all starts with the transition of a caterpillar into a butterfly: Enzymes begin to dissolve the cell structure of the larva. With the degeneration, new cells are created that have "imaginative" properties - the Imago Cells. These cells contain the information to transform the worm into a butterfly. While parts of the old die - which the caterpillar's immune system tries to defend itself against - the Imago-Cells take over, and the future is born successively.
Social transformation requires "imaginative" visionaries that are often perceived by societies who try to defend the status quo as lunatics and troublemakers. But ultimately, they prevail. The mission of REGENERATE is to give these courageous "imaginative" visionaries and practitioners a platform to connect with current and future leaders.
These lines reflect an interview with Geseko von Lüpke - author with main focus on ecological ethics, holistic economy, sustainable civil society projects and human rights.
Regeneration means putting life at the center of every action and decision. It applies to all of creation – grasslands, farms, people, forests, fish, wetlands, coastlands, and oceans – it applies equally to families, communities, cities, schools, religions, cultures, commerce and governments. (…) Regeneration is not only about bringing the world back to life; it is about bringing each of us back to life.“
Paul Hawken
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