- Pilot: Lake Constance
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- Pilot: Lake Constance
- Pilot: Lake Constance
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- Pilot: Lake Constance
The desire to reconnect humanity with the wonderful lessons nature provides
Jan-Gisbert Schultze
Venture Capitalist
Co-founder of Munich-based Acton Capital, a venture growth fund investing in digital businesses. After having read a few years ago about Joel Salatin and his farm Polyface in Michael Pollan’s book “The Omnivore Dilemma” he first launched Soil Alliance, a nonprofit that aims to raise awareness for regenerative agriculture. Regenerate is Jan's latest project to lift this initiative on a more global scale - by building bridges between decision makers and regenerative thought leaders who are realizing solutions by observing nature's smart processes and converting them into our daily routines.
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Katharina Serafimova
Social Entrepreneur
Social entrepreneur, speaker and moderator. Facilitates events and processes that enable the transitions towards a value-based paradigm. Was Head of Renewable Resources and of Corporate Sustainability of a Swiss Private Bank and Senior Sustainable Finance Advisor at WWF. Co-created the regeneration network initiative "Associação Terra Sintrópica" in Mértola, a region deeply affected by desertification. In recent years, Katharina has supported farmers in Southern Europe/ Portugal in the transition towards regeneration. Katharina is also co-founder of the international initiative Food Networks.
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Stefan Schwarzer
Permaculture Designer
For over 20years, Stefan, a Physical Geographer and Permaculture Designer, worked for the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) in Geneva. One of his main concerns is restorative agriculture - as he prefers to call regenerative agriculture -
inspired by permaculture, and here especially the connection of global interests and goals with local activities. He is Co-Author of the book "Die Humusrevolution" (The Humus Revolution) and initiator/organizer of the Symposium and Webinar series "Aufbauende Landwirtschaft"(Restorative Agriculture). Stefan has been living in the community of Schloss Tempelhof since the end of 2012, where he is helping to shape regenerative methods of agriculture.View Stefan's profile on LinkedIn
Sassa Franke
Social Scientist
As founder and managing director of the non-profit organization Klimapraxis (Climate Practice) inBerlin, the social scientist Sassa is committed to advancing regenerative
agriculture. Her strengths lie in project and cooperation management. Networking different actors, knowledge transfer and communication are especially close to her heart. Her "climate practice" promotes water-retaining landscape design, agroforestry and keyline design, and drought-resilient pasture management through projects. Sassa actively supported Stefan Schwarzer in the development of the Climate LandscapesConference.View Sassa's profile on LinkedIn
Anja Heggli
With 14 years of experience in systemic transformational consulting, conflict facilitation, and team and leadership development, Anja creates spaces in which groups can engage with self-organized, regenerative forms of work and collaboration, transform their extractive power dynamics, and thereby unleash their natural potential. In this way, she enables organizations to address current and future social and environmental challenges in healthy and sustainable ways. Anja is constantly looking for new ways to authentically connect people in their uniqueness and enable deep transformation of individuals, groups and the whole system.
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Sepp Braun
Regenerative Bioland Farmer
Since a film of the same name, Sepp has been known throughout Germany as "The Farmer with the Earthworms". As early as 1988, he converted his farm - from conventional to organic-biological farming. Since then, his main focus has been on soil building, which he has perfected over the years and expanded to include agroforestry. As part of this project, he has now planted more than 50,000 trees and uses them to manage a wood gas plant for electricity and heat, as well as to use plant charcoal for the farm cycle. He is a co-founder and board member of the Bioland Foundation, and in 2015 he was a German Soil Ambassador at the Expo in Milan.
Franziska Espinoza
Franziska brings over 25 years of leadership experience as Head of Change Management at Swisscom IT Services in supporting large change projects and in integral leadership development. Her focus is on agile transformation and the introduction of self-organization in large corporations, SMEs and social institutions. She combines her experience in organizational development, conflict facilitation and process-oriented psychology with a passion for simplicity and a turn towards living structures from which a regenerative quality of social human togetherness emerges. Franziska is co-founder of Punkt.Null and lecturer in CAS Agile Transformation at Bern University of Applied Sciences.
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Sebastiaan Huisman
Regenerative Demeter Farmer
Biodynamic farmer, since 2017 freelance consultant for organic farming. Sebastiaan studied biodynamic agriculture in his home country - the Netherlands - and successfully built up a large village project in Juchowo, Poland, over twelve years according to the principles of biodynamic and regenerative agriculture: the Juchowo Farm. He is particularly interested in landscape restoration, including water landscapes, and everything related to biodiversity and climate change. Sebastiaan focuses on helping others convert to organic farming and is always eager to share his knowledge or his extended network.
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Anne-Sophie Christmann
Assistant Research Fellow
During her wine business studies and internships at various wineries in Europe, Anne formed her passion for ecological, nature-oriented work. As a research assistant at the University of Hohenheim, she now conducts research on topics in the field of smart sustainable farming and accompanies the ¬scientific field study for Regenerate, which surveys the regenerative potential at Lake Constance. In the future, Anne will drive the implementation on the German side of Lake Constance.
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Jean Klotz
Event & Community Manager
It all started in the advertising and travel industry in Germany, followed by Event-Hospitality in New Zealand and back again. Jean then moved to the UK for eleven years, where she worked in Events & Training at a business college and as a Project Officer for a large corporation. Back in Germany in 2021, with a lot of experience and a British accent under her belt. Since then, she has clearly defined her own Vision and Missions and supports people worldwide to do the same for themselves as a facilitator of Ultimate Contribution Uncovered. One of her Missions – to inspire reconnection with ourselves and nature in a regenerative way.
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Mirela Simaga
Environmental Engineer
Mirela has Croatian-Bosnian roots and grew up in Switzerland. The conscious handling of different mentalities and languages was a focus of her eleven years of teaching in adult work. Since graduating as an environmental engineer with a focus on organic agriculture, she has been dedicated to regeneration, especially composting and soil vitality. Previously, Mirela co-designed a project on permaculture as a social movement in Bosnia and Herzegovina (mirelasimaga). In this project she worked with agriculture as a "bridge builder" between ethnic groups and religions.
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Pia Hochhut
Media (& Hiking) Pro
There were some paths Pia walked in her life. First, a scientist. Not bad, btw: Her Thesis became a work of reference. Years as an editor at an international lifestyle magazine followed. Then, as a Publishing Manager, she supported international market launches with a wide variety of business models. Finally, she went to the German provinces, where she headed a mid-sized company. Today she pools her activities under "desano". Besides, she is … walking. For all who enjoy coming along from their sofa, she writes a blog about her impressions on the way.
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Andrew Keen
Film Maker & Podcaster
Futurist, named as one of the "100 Most Connected Men" by GQ magazine. Andrew Keen is amongst the world's best known and controversial commentators on technology and on the digital revolution. He has written five books including the best-selling "Cult of the Amateur", "The Internet Is Not The Answer" and "How To Fix The Future". He directed and wrote the 2020 movie "How To Fix Democracy" and is the host of the popular daily podcast show "Keen On".
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