- Pilot: Lake Constance
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- Pilot: Lake Constance
- Pilot: Lake Constance
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- Pilot: Lake Constance
Experience the Principles of Regeneration
Re-connecting decision-makers to the principles of nature and encouraging them to apply this knowledge in their strategic, organizational, and operational decisions – to this end, REGENERATE organizes encounters with pioneers of the regenerative movement and their work.
Information and Discussion Evening at Salem Castle
- April 2024 -
Watch our video with impressions of the Information and Discussion Evening at Salem Castle
An evening of exchange on the creation of Climate Landscapes in the Lake Constance Region, at the invitation of Regenerate and the House of Baden. With more than 120 participants from the Lake Constance Region - personalities from business, agriculture, politics and culture.
In a Panel Discussion with Peter Aulmann from the Elobau Foundation, the young farmers Julian Hafen and Adrian Müller, who are currently taking part in the "Soil Practitioner Course" in the project, Moderator Stefan Schwarzer from Regenerate, Antje von Dewitz from Vaude, the Margravial-Baden Co-Farm Manager Nicola Gindele and Tobias Bandel from the Landbanking Group, the participants then debated what farmers and regional businesses need in order to promote "Climate Landscapes".
"The earth is a living system, but we are currently systematically destroying its organs. This is leading to what we call biodiversity loss and climate change." - Jan-Gisbert Schultze
Regenerate focuses on three key elements in order to implement the vision of the "Living Lake Constance" Project: Roundtables will bring together all stakeholders involved to jointly develop strategies for a resilient Climate Landscape. Advanced training programs (Soil Practitioner Course, Soil Working Groups) promote the understanding of healthy soils and the exchange of knowledge. Finally, mechanisms for refinancing ecosystem services provided by agriculture, forestry and water management are being developed together with partners
REGENERATE Retreat at Salem Castle
Sharing Prospects and Experiences for a Regenerative Change in the Lake Constance Region
- April 2023 -
Thinking Economy from the Soil Up - For a Regenerative Lake Constance Region
In April 2023, nearly 100 participants from the Lake Constance Region came together for three highly intensive days in Salem Castle for a cross-national exchange of perspectives and experiences between entrepreneurial families from business and agriculture. During excursions to ecologically regenerative pioneer farms, namely The Markgavial Estate Farm (Markgräfliche Badischer Gutsbetrieb) and Hofgut Rengoldshausen, ways were shown of how a regenerative economy, culture and society can be shaped in harmony with a living ecosystem at Lake Constance. The motto "Connect the Unexpected" received a particularly positive response - connecting people who usually have hardly any points of contact: entrepreneurial families and farmers.
Starting with soil and natural resources, the arc was thus drawn to a regenerative economy and to a model region of Lake Constance ("Regenerate Valley Bodensee"), which will be shaped by resilient, biodiverse climate landscapes, the supply of healthy, regional food and the development and implementation of regenerative business models. Regenerate calls this vision "Thinking Economy from the Soil
Up." The retreat took place in partnership with Bernhard Margrave of Baden and is intended as an impulse for a transformation process towards a sustainable agriculture and a comprehensive regenerative change in the four-country Region "Boden-See". This is a play on words that works wonderfully in German, as the German name for Lake Constance, "Bodensee", literally translates to "Soil Lake".REGENERATE Retreat at Alt Madlitz
Connect the Unexpected
- October 2021 -
Towards a regenerative future
In October 2021, family business members from across generations came together for a first retreat at the regenerative farm of Benedikt Bösel, at Schlossgut Alt Madlitz in Brandenburg. For an intensive exchange of ideas at eye level, with leading representatives of regenerative agriculture and with like-minded people - about the future of nature and soil, of economy and society. In sunshine and rain, the participants were able to experience regenerative agriculture - to learn how compost, nursery, syntropic planting and holistic pasture management work in practice. And in the process, take away formative impressions and inspiration for the transformation to tomorrow's economy.
US pioneer of regenerative agriculture Gabe Brown gave his personal input via Zoom.
Impressions of the Regenerate Retreat in Madlitz in November 2021
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